While my back continues to improve and I continue to regain
my strength, I figured out last week that my gall bladder has been acting up.
After consulting with doctors it seems that it needs to come out. I was going
to wait until I got settled in North Carolina for the regional representative
role to have a surgery to remove it. Last week after a fairly painful attack a couple nights before I was to leave I
realized that I needed to have it taken care of rather than having to deal with
the pain over the 3000 mile trek!
I am going in to have laproscopic gall bladder removal
tomorrow (Tuesday) at 3 pm. Pray that it goes well!
I now hope to leave for North
Carolina on November 9. The surgeon told me she recommends waiting at least a week before I move. I told her that I was thinking about waiting 2 weeks, and she said that 2 weeks would be much better and that I would be able to enjoy it more & be able to help drive.
I moved out of my house this weekend, and have most of my things packed up. (Thanks to my neighbors, the Bakers and the VanGorkoms I did not do any heavy lifting!) I am now living at the VanGorkom house. The VanGorkoms & I were together in Ethiopia & here. I am so thrilled to have colleagues at CVM who take care of me so well.
This seems to be another episode of God's timing and not
mine. (This is my second delay in moving!) I prefer my timing, but I know that God's timing is better than mine even
if I don't exactly know why. Perhaps someday I'll know why, but I do know that He is good and I can trust Him.
Feel free to read more about my new role within CVM in my
last 2 prayer letters:
I am excited to have a house ready to move into in Greenville, NC and my friend Roy who will drive across the US with me. I am already praying for good weather on the roads as the first mountain pass just had its first snow this weekend. I am excited to be closer to those whom I'll work with on the east. I am definitely sad to miss the first couple meetings I had scheduled there next week.