Thursday, October 30, 2014

Our First Day in Dominican Republic TOGETHER

Roy and I made it to Dominican Republic today for our first mission trip together! We are serving with Christian Veterinary Mission with a team of 11 folks including vets, vet techs, farrier, dairy farmer, drug rep & agriculturalist. We are a mixed bunch and will get to serve some of the local villages in Word and Deed.

SCORE is an organization that has been in DR for 30 years. They have many specific ministries to intentionally share about Christ while reaching their immediate needs  including education, jobs, schools for kids, health care, etc. For example, they have a boys home that reaches out to boys on the street to provide education and a home.  I’m sure their website has lots of specifics. This is the first intentional vet ministry with them. Tomorrow’s agenda includes visiting a vet school at San Pedro, visiting pharmacies and planning our outreach for the villages, and retrieving 1 bag with medical supplies that didn’t make it through customs. Pray that all the paperwork goes through tomorrow, and that it is an opportunity to build a good relationship with the Dept of Ag.

We have very nice accommodations (AC, great food, wifi). Is this really a mission trip??? And did I mention a pool and ¼ mile from a beautiful blue beach? We enjoyed a short time in the pool tonight with others volleying a ball. Our record was hitting it 10 times in a row!

We appreciate your prayers while we are here!

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